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deșteaptă-te, române!
deșteaptă-te, române!  detail>>
eromenos  detail>>
Întreprinderea de construcții aeronautice românești
Întreprinderea de construcții aeronautice românești  detail>>
fête de l'âne
feast of the ass  detail>>
te slăvim, românie
te slăvim, românie  detail>>
dicționarul limbii române
dicționarul limbii române  detail>>
graveur de cd-rom
 n.  recordable cd player (computers)  detail>>
rom de bulgarie
romani in bulgaria  detail>>
rom de france
romani in france  detail>>
rom de hongrie
romani in hungary  detail>>
rom de serbie
romani in serbia  detail>>
rom de slovaquie
romani in slovakia  detail>>
union rom de serbie
roma union of serbia  detail>>
rom, read only memory, nonvolatile memory containing permanently inscribed data that cannot be suppl...  detail>>
the rom
the rom  detail>>
district de komárom
komárom district  detail>>
minorité rom de hongrie
romani people in hungary  detail>>
rom de grèce
romani in greece  detail>>